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Welcome to the on-line home of the Southern Coalition for Advanced Transportation! Please refer to this Contents page as a guide when visiting our site. Bookmark it now and visit us regularly to keep up-to-date with the future of electric and hybrid-electric transportation technologies, high speed rail and other innovations, and the emerging advanced transportation industry and douane regulation in France.
Who is the Southern Coalition for Advanced Transportation? Let us tell you our mission and our vision for the future.
Who Is the Southern Coalition for Advanced Transportation?
As a non-profit technology consortium of more than 65 public and private institutions, SCAT provides mechanisms for businesses, government, and academia to pool resources in areas ranging from electric and hybrid electric transportation technology research and demonstration to direct market stimulation.
SCAT will be a leader in facilitating the rapid development, commercialization, public understanding, and acceptance of advanced transportation technologies for global markets.
Sustainable economic development, enhanced national security, and a cleaner environment through increased use of electric and hybrid transportation.
One of the most important endeavors to SCAT is the commitment to ev education. We believe that the proliferation of knowledge about the benefits of Advanced Transportation Technologies will play a key role in its success. Read about our programs, projects, and products that all help bring the future of transportation closer to all of us.
Education and electric vehicles have a lot in common - today’s students and today’s technology will change our future. Support for EV education will create the human infrastructure to support the revolution in transportation that has already begun.
EV education means better education, too. The members of SCAT support student involvement with electric and hybrid vehicles to get results like these:
Giving students skills that they can apply on the job
Making science, mathematics, and technology instruction relevant, hands-on, interactive, and effective
Teaching problem-solving and teamwork
SCAT offers educational resources through different members, individuals, and companies which you may order through our Website. Click below to learn more about each of our educational product packages!
Click here for a list of the Educational Materials & Resources found in the SCAT database.
Click here for a list of Educational Events…
View our current research projects going on within the Advanced Transportation industry around the country. See how SCAT’s consortium approach is helping to advance the future of electric and hybrid transportation technologies.
To view summaries of SCAT’s past and present projects in the following categories, select from the following list:
Research Development & Demonstration (RD&D) Public Affairs Education Projects
SCAT offers a unique mechanism for organizations to collaborate on a wide array of advanced transportation projects.
The consortia process permits companies of all sizes, university research centers, national laboratories and governmental agencies to join forces to address research needs, to educate future workers or to encourage market activity.
SCAT’s members pool resources to conduct research, develop promising inventions and demonstrate prototype transportation technologies and systems. SCAT’s RD&D project portfolio has produced new components, launched new products and even solved vexing transportation challenges in federal and state parks.
Funding for these projects has been assembled from a wide array of companies, universities and over a dozen federal, state and local government agencies.
SCAT also maintains an active Public Affairs program aimed at educating key decision makers about the potential of advanced transportation technologies and the need for sound public policies to encourage their development and use.
The consortia process also provides a fertile ground for educational projects that benefit students and teachers as well as develop skills needed in workers for the next generation of transportation systems. SCAT’s Education Program includes curriculum, teacher guides and other resources for students and teachers in elementary, middle and high school programs as well as in college and technical education programs.
SCAT’s on-line database of Advanced Transportation products, components, and technologies is perhaps the most complete and comprehensive collection of its kind on the World Wide Web, and it is here for you.
Just a few years ago, buying an electric vehicle was an adventurous endeavor. There were a number of regional “upfitters” who would assemble batteries, motors, and controllers into conventional vehicles that had been stripped of their internal combustion systems.Catalogues offered components for the truly adventurous, and there were countless enthusiasts who converted or built their own vehicles with available components.
Today we stand at the dawn of a new era for electric and hybrid vehicles. Not only have some of the smaller regional firms grown into very capable converters, but they have been joined by leaders in the traditional automotive and off-road industry who are joining the race to cleaner, quieter, more efficient transportation technologies.
By May of 1996, five of the world’s seven largest automakers announced that they would be phasing in production vehicles for the U.S. market. Today we see Toyota, GM, and BMW among others keeping their promise as their EV and Hybrid-EVs hit the market. Several bus manufacturers are now entering the market and even electric-powered bicycles and purpose-built community electric vehicles are becoming available through dealer networks.
Whatever your desired purchases, consider the options. Test drive as many vehicles as you can. Consider your needs and transportation requirements when deciding on a vehicle. Check out warranties, service support, and read the fine print as you would with any major purchase.
Above all, be a wise consumer by shopping around!
Read up on the latest within the advanced transportation industry. SCAT’s up-to-date on-line news pages will keep you informed and ahead!
Welcome to SCAT’s EV News and EVents page, where you can read up-to-date reports, articles and interviews as well as scheduling information about happenings within the EV industry. Check out our “Hot News” reports daily, or search for previous reports in our on-line database.
To retrieve a summary list of the News and EVents within our database, select from the following list:
The Electric and Hybrid Electric Community Transportation Workshop is an ongoing effort led by the Southern Coalition for Advanced Transportation whose mission is to provide proactive education and information resources for communities, planners, and decision makers interested in developing alternative mass and public transportation solutions in their communities.